Refereed Publications
Da Silva, VMF; Brum, SM; Magalhães Drummond de Mello, D.; de Souza Amaral,R; Campbell, E; and Mintzer, VJ. (2023). The Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis: What have we learned in the last two decades of research? Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 18(1).
Mintzer, VJ, Quackenbush, A, and Fazioli, K. (2022) Site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a highly industrialized region of Galveston Bay, TX. Marine Mammal Science.
Campbell et al. (2022) Challenges and priorities for river cetacean conservation. Endangered Species Research
49: 14-42.
Mintzer, VJ; Fazioli, K. 2021. Salinity and water temperature as predictors of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) encounter rates in Upper Galveston Bay TX. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Mintzer, VJ; da Silva, VMF; Martin, AR; Frazer, TK; Lorenzen, K. 2020. Protected area evaluation for endangered Amazon river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Biological Conservation. 252.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, VJ. 2020. Short-term effects of Hurricane Harvey on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in upper Galveston Bay, TX. Estuaries and Coasts.
Mintzer, VJ; Diniz, K; Frazer, TK. 2018. The use of aquatic mammals as bait in global fisheries. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 191. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00191
Mintzer, VJ; Martin, AR; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK; da Silva, VMF. 2016. Seasonal movement of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in a protected floodplain. Marine Mammal Science 32(2): 664-681.
Mintzer, VJ; Schmink, M; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK; Martin, AR; da Silva, VMF. 2014. Attitudes and behaviors toward Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in a sustainable use protected area. Biodiversity and Conservation 24(2): 247-269. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-014-0805-4
Mintzer, VJ; Martin, AR; da Silva, VMF; Barbour, AB; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK. 2013. Effect of illegal harvest on apparent survival of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Biological Conservation 158: 280-286.
Mintzer, VJ; Gannon, DP; Barros, NB; Read, AJ. 2008. Stomach contents of mass-stranded short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) from North Carolina. Marine Mammal Science 24(2): 290-302.
Sample Reports and Outreach Publications
Mintzer, VJ; Fazioli, K. 2021. Galveston Bay Dolphin Research Program, Quarterly Newsletter, July-September 2021. Available at
Mintzer, VJ; Fazioli, K. 2018. Dolphins after Hurricane Harvey: Evaluating the impacts of water quality changes. Texas Living Waters Project Blog. Available at
Mintzer, VJ; Fazioli, K. 2018. Galveston Bay Dolphin Research and Conservation Program, Quarterly Report July-September 2018. Available at[UNIQID]&u=4206cb94d54a76cf3f1dfe86b&id=92de6461bd
Mintzer, VJ; Fazioli, F. 2017. Evaluating the Impacts of Hurricane Harvey on the Dolphins of Galveston Bay. Available at
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, VJ. 2017. Galveston Bay bottlenose dolphins. Nicks N Notches Newsletter-2017. Pp. 21-22. Available at
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, VJ. 2015. The dolphins of Galveston Bay. Nicks N Notches Newsletter-2015. Pp. 23. Available at
Mintzer, VJ. 2013. Catfish fisheries pose threat to Amazon River dolphins. LakeLine 33:17-19.
Select Conference Presentations
Quackenbush, A; Fazioli, K; Mintzer, V. 2023. Site fidelity of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a highly industrialized area of the Galveston Bay estuary. Society for Marine Mammalogy UK & Ireland Regional Student Chapter, 17th annual conference, St Andrews, UK.
Mintzer, V; Quackenbush, A; Fazioli, K. 2022. Site fidelity and residency of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in upper Galveston Bay. Restore America’s Estuaries’ Coastal & Estuarine Summit, New Orleans, LA.
Mintzer, V; da Silva, VMF; Martin, AR; Frazer, TK; Lorenzen, K. 2023. Protected area evaluation for the conservation of endangered Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis). Society for Marine Mammalogy, 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, V. 2022. Salinity and Water Temperature as Predictors of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) Encounter Rates in Upper Galveston Bay, Texas. Society for Marine Mammalogy, 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, V.J. 2022. Effects of salinity on distribution and epidermal integrity of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Galveston Bay, Texas. Texas Academy of Science, 125th Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
Fazioli, K., Mintzer, V., and Guillen, G. Monitoring bottlenose dolphins in Galveston Bay, Texas. Galveston Bay Estuary Program, State of the Bay Symposium, Galveston, TX. January 2020.
Fazioli, K., Mintzer, V., and Guillen, G. In the path of floodwaters: short-term effects of Hurricane Harvey on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in upper Galveston Bay, Texas. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain. December 2019.
Mintzer, V; Fazioli, K; Guillen, G. The short-term effects of Hurricane Harvey on dolphins in upper Galveston Bay, TX. 9th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and Management. Long Beach, CA. December 2018.
Mintzer, VJ; Diniz, K. Frazer, T. El uso de delfines como carnada en las pesquerÃas de tiburones en Latinoamérica. XII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en MamÃferos Acuáticos RT 18. Lima, Peru. November 2018.
Mintzer, V; Diniz, K; Frazer, T. The use of aquatic mammals for bait in global fisheries: 1970-2016. Society for Marine Mammalogy 22nd Biennial Conference. Halifax, Canada. October 2017.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, V; Guillen, G. Site fidelity of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a highly-industralized estuary. Society for Marine Mammalogy 22nd Biennial Conference. Halifax, Canada. October 2017.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, V; Guillen, G; Loe, S. Texas’ estuarine bottlenose dolphins: addressing knowledge gaps in Galveston Bay. Restore America’s Estuaries Summit. New Orleans, LA. December 2016.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, VJ; Guillen, G. Bottlenose dolphin activity in a highly industrialized region of Galveston Bay, TX. Society for Marine Mammalogy 21th Biennial Conference. San Francisco, CA. December 2015.
Fazioli, K; Mintzer, VJ; Guillen, G. An apparent increase in bottlenose dolphins in upper Galveston Bay: city slickers or tourists? Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Research and Monitoring Meeting. New Orleans, LA. April 2015.
Mintzer, VJ; Schimnk, M; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK; Martin, AR; da Silva, VMF. Interdisciplinary research on illegal harvesting of Amazon River dolphins. Society for Marine Mammalogy 20th Biennial Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand. December 2013.
Mintzer, VJ; Martin, AR.; da Silva, VMF; Schimnk, M; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK. Interdisciplinary research on illegal harvesting of river dolphins: insights and opportunities for conservation. 26th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Baltimore, MD. July 2013.
Mintzer, VJ; Martin, AR; da Silva, VMF; Barbour, AB; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK. Efecto de la caza ilegal en la supervivencia aparente de los delfines de rÃo (Inia geoffrensis). 15a Reunión de Expertos de MamÃferos Acuáticos de América del Sur, Congreso SOLAMAC. Puerto Madryn, Argentina. September 2012.
Mintzer, VJ: Martin, AR.; da Silva, VMF; Pine, WE.; Barbour, AB.; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK. Apparent survival estimates of Amazon River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) subject to illegal harvest. Second Annual Symposium of the Florida Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy. Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL. April 2012.
Mintzer, VJ; Martin, AR; da Silva, VMF; Pine, WE; Lorenzen, K; Frazer, TK. Apparent survival and population growth rate of Amazon River dolphins in an Amazonian floodplain. Society for Marine Mammalogy 19th Biennial Conference. Tampa, FL. December 2011.
Mintzer, VJ; Gannon, DP; Barros, NB; Read, AJ. Stomach contents of mass-stranded short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) from North Carolina. Society for Marine Mammalogy 16th Biennial Conference. San Diego, CA. December 2005.
Mintzer, VJ. The environmental consequences of illicit drug production in Colombia. North American Association for Environmental Educators 34th Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM, October 2005.